Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dag 12 – I min handväska (in my purse)

Quite empty today as you can see:

Calendar, book (very good, by the way...), mittens, wallet, keys, boots card (out of my wallet for some reason), hand lotion, forsvarets hudsalva lip balm, 2 rings (don't know why!) and a moomin reflector thingy which I need to stick to my coat.



Meg said...

this reminds me of my friend Kelly, who the past 2 times we've hung out at Starbucks decided to play, "let's see what's in my bag" and proceeded to pile the contents of her purse on the table. i have such strange friends. :0P

Julia said...

Awesome game! I might start playing it... You always find something interesting!

Radio Waves said...

So the red things are not boxing gloves..