Sunday, September 20, 2009

Nim Jiom, Kan Jang and other lovely things.

I've been sorely missing Kan Jang here in the UK. Nowhere seems to sell it. Granted, I hadn't tried the Chinese supermarkets and health shops...
It's a herbal type thing you take a spoonful of every day to prevent colds. It works quite well - plus it's yummy... Here, people suggest cod liver oil as an alternative. I'll tell you right now - it's no substitute. Ok, it may be immensely good for you and I know it can cure oncoming colds, but it tastes foul. Even just writing about it I'm almost heaving. So - I take cod liver oil in capsule form, and save the liquid stuff for when I'm actually ill/getting ill.
Cod liver oil capsules...

...and the liquid gold...

I was complaining to the lovely QQ that I couldn't find my Kan Jang anywhere. So, what does she do? Goes out to buy me some Nim Jiom!

It's like Kan Jang but honey based - so it's thick and very very sweet. But from taste (and my very limited knowledge of Chinese ;) ) it's exactly the same herbs - something liquorice-y is overwhelming. Tastes lovely. Though it says to take 3 spoonfuls a day! Not been doing that - 1 or 2...

Great substitute for sweets. I can see myself getting addicted to this stuff. Thanks QQ! <3 (for picture sources click the pics!)


QQ said...

xx, you've been thanking me forever! It's my pleasure! and...

Julia said...

Haha. Same to you!! :P

Aliquant said...

Oooh it sounds yummy! =D

Julia said...

Aye it is! You should get some :)

Meg said...

i didn't know people actually took cod liver oil. i thought it was just something mean nannys used to torture kids with in old movies. haha.

Julia said...

It's absolutely disgusting, it helps colds but I don't know how people stomach it...

Before I moved to the UK I didn't think people actually took it either.
