Friday, May 13, 2011

A hard day's life.

Inspired by the inspiring Spiderchick.

07.40-08.00 - we wake up, after all our alarms have stopped going off.

08.02 - shower, brush teeth, run about trying to find my dipper card for work (which is always in the same place...)

08.15 - bike/drive (well... get driven!) to work.

08.30 - settling in at work, open up emails and sigh a bit. I ponder breakfast.

08.45 - breakfast time! Porridge at work = best way.

08.48 - work.

13.00 or so - lunch! Usually a short walk to buy a salad/sandwich/soup... and maybe a muffin.

13.15 - back at desk, eat sandwich whilst trying to look productive.

16.00-17.30 or so - home time!

10 minutes later - if I was clever and biked in, I'm home by this time.

...or 30 minutes later - if I'm having to walk back...

18.00 - Mike arrives home, starving. So this usually means it's dinner time! ;)

Bit of TV/reading or maybe the internet (ha! never!) or some charity work. Or all of the above. Until...

22.30 - I start moaning that I'm tired. Mike convinces me to stay up '10 more minutes'.

23.30 - I realise it's been more than 10 minutes and moan some more.

00.00 - I go to bed, moaning some more at Mike to get him to stop working and come to bed so we don't sleep in the next day., I do lead an exciting life!!

1 comment:

spiderchick said...

hihi, tror inte direkt det finns någon som har en superintressant vardag. Spännande att bo i England!