Monday, October 22, 2012


This weekend was excellent. Karin was here:

We had some dinner and drinks on the Friday. Saturday was spent mostly walking, second hand shopping and looking at churches. I was surprised at how well I remembered some of the texts and trosbekännelsen. Some things you never lose, I guess?

In the evening we had dinner at Ylva's, which was excellent. And then onto more drinking, some dancing and other fun:

I also wore a Turtles cap for a small portion of the evening. Definite highlight:

Then we did some other stuff, like this:

By the time we got the tram it was morning again so I didn't have to pay the night fare. Then Karin left and all of Gothenburg mourned.

1 comment:

Gaymasen said...

Sv: Ja sånt där är himla lustigt. Knasigt egentligen att någon annan ska tro att de sitter över en och komma och bestämma hur en annan ska se ut och leva sitt liv.. Knasigt.