I love charity shops. Partly for the bargains (hello £5 Gudrun Sjödén dress) and partly because it's so wonderful to see that at least some people would rather give away the stuff they don't need than sell or bin it.
But most of the time it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of presentation and atmosphere. Not always, but sometimes. And it's a shame.
I had a bit of time today to wander round the charity shops in York, and went into one I don't think I've been in before, Sue Ryder on Goodramgate. Upstairs there's a 'vintage & retro' section, and it's great. Not big, but full of gems. There's a nice atmosphere, the stuff is well presented and obviously there's a bit more of a customised selection, the stuff that will appeal to a wannabe 50s housewife born in the 80s or 90s.
A quick google tells me that Sue Ryder shops have had these sections for a while - well, a few of them have - and the one in York has done since last year sometime (I think?). Goodness knows why it's taken me so long to find it...
I did buy a couple of things, gorgeous (late 50s?) house coat with blue roses that would make Betty Draper jealous (no, it won't stay a house coat for long) and some 70s curtains (that won't stay curtains for long...). Will show you another time, promise.
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