Friday, December 08, 2006

Nick is a star!

I've now got a group of five people - could do with more but five is ace! Can mix in some unknowns, make it interesting. Haha. SO happy and relieve though, this means I can at least get half of my data collection donw before and during Christmas. Again, say it with me... he is a star!

And my stylistics essay is nearly done. And that pretty much concludes this term for me! Have one seminar, one lecture and two tutorials left - then I'm off home to sunny Sweden (it's like 10 degrees at moment and chances of snow for Christmas are slim - I blame global warming. Gosh darn global warming! I know I know, I don't really like snow. But at Christmas? Over Christmas Eve, Christmas day and Boxing day even I like it... Anyway, tangent! Sorry) for two weeks. I get to bake and open presents.. oh and, see my family. Haha. Going up to Joanna's for a night, get to meet her friends etc! Will be ace. So long as I don't embarrass her or something. Haha, no cance of that, I'm such a wicked person.


They wouldn't let me buy vodka in Tesco's today. What, do I suddenly look 17 again? It pissed me off to be honest... but I suppose they have to ask and all that.

Hm. I think my life has reached that point where it is so boring I can't even pretend it's fun. I have absolutely nothing to say. Oh, I did get paid in the end. Score!

Yeah I'm off now. Suggestions for what should go in my blog are welcome and dearly appreciated. And come on.. I know other people than my little sister reads this... Where are my comments? Eh? Eh?



Anonymous said...

you shouldn't be so hard on your little sister. you should be happy if she reads your blog.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I agree. your sister rocks.

Anonymous said...

wow, that WAS pathetic...

Anonymous said...

eh, jag igen. varför skriver du aldrig här? "for those about to rock..." - är det ac/dc? jag hörde det i school of rock... ok, jag är inte rock själv, jag erkänner. men ac/dc? jag tappade just en del respekt för din blogg.